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Fredericksburg Dog Festival
October 4th
12:30-3:30 PM
Hurkamp Park
Fredericksburg, VA
Click for more info!

"Devoted to Dogs"
awarded Best Instructional
Column of 2008 by Virginia
Press Womens Association.
The book won third place in
the National Press Womens
Association contest!

Sarah Ferrell won
Hartz Award at 2007
Dog Writers' Association
of America banquet

Dog Manners Winter
2008 schedule now
available. Click on
Classes above.

Order your copy of Sarah Ferrell's new book now.

Order your copy using Paypal on this website.
You can order using credit cards without having a Paypal account, if desired

To pay with check or money order, print your order and mail it with payment to:
Abroham Neal Publishing
POB 1111
Locust Grove, VA

$2.00 off 6-7 copies
$4.00 off 8-10 copies
$6.00 off 11 or more


Abroham Neal Publishing specializes in:

 - Publications that promote the well-being of well-mannered dogs
 - Classes that promote good dog manners
 - Seminars to educate dog owners on common problems
 - Presentation to civic organizations on dogs and dog publication.

Gabriel under chair picture



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If you are an author who needs page layout services, we can do it professionally at a competitive rate.

To contact us:
Phone: (540) 785 6445
Email: info@abrohamneal.com

Abroham Neal Publishing
P. O. Box 1111
Locust Grove, VA 22508




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