

"Devoted to Dogs"
awarded Best Instructional
Column of 2008 by Virginia
Press Womens Association.
The book won third place in
the National Press Womens
Association contest!
Sarah Ferrell won
Hartz Award at 2007
Dog Writers' Association
of America banquet
Dog Manners Training
schedule now
available. Click on
Classes above.
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Dog Manners Classes: Which one for your fine dog?

Sophie and Milo, well behaved and welcome
everywhere they go; courtesy Dr. Sheri Bakerian
Basic Dog Manners:
Evening Class
Using positive reinforcement methods based on current learning theory and behavior modification techniques, we will teach YOU to teach the dog to respond to your commands of: “Come”; “Sit” (and Stay); “Down” (and Stay); “Heel” and “Watch!”. We will begin teaching the skills dogs need to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. Dogs of all ages and sizes are welcome, but the dog must be at least 14 weeks old and have at least 2 or 4 puppy vaccinations. Participants in all classes must show current veterinary vaccination at first night’s orientation. We use positive reinforcement methods only. You will learn to use a clicker to show dogs the desired behavior and give immediate rewards. A clicker, hot dogs, lots of praise and a dog that you love are all you need for class. Dogs attend ALL five classes. Students will receive a copy of Sarah’s award winning book “Devoted To Dogs: How To Be Your Dog’s Best Friend ” with written homework and dog behavior discussions. We will have a festive graduation with prizes and photo opportunities on Week 5. Please request a supply list and class orientation sheet when you register. All classes are held at Dog Krazy.
(Note: After you register for this class, please e mail instructor at saf@abrohamneal.com for supply list, class orientation and reading assignments. All supplies available at Dog Krazy.)
Contact Parks and Rec. for next classes
5 Week Session
Dorothy Hart Community Center 408 Canal St.
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info: Call Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that enrollment begins.
Register on-line @ http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/departments/recreation/index.aspx?id=1173, or visit in person or by mail.
Important Note: No aggressive dogs, toward other dogs nor humans may attend these classes. In order to learn in a positive situation and pay close attention to the owner every dog need to feel safe, in a non threatening environment. Any dog who growls or shows his teeth is not appropriate for these group classes.

Pride ‘n Joy’s Sunrise Equinnox, CD,CGC
Dog Manners Graduate and Demo Dog
Extraordinaire for 13 years!
Basic Dog Manners:
Daytime Class
This daytime class offers the same instruction as the evening basic class; for people who prefer to come and train before dark. Same skills, same fun, at 4pm in the afternoon.
(Ages: 16 yrs to Adult)
Using positive reinforcement methods based on current learning theory and behavior modification techniques, we will teach YOU to teach the dog to respond to your commands of: “Come”; “Sit” (and Stay); “Down” (and Stay); “Heel” and “Watch!”. We will begin teaching the skills dogs need to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. Dogs of all ages and sizes are welcome, but the dog must be at least 14 weeks old and have at least 2 or 4 puppy vaccinations. Participants in all classes must show current veterinary vaccination at first night’s orientation. We use positive reinforcement methods only. You will learn to use a clicker to show dogs the desired behavior and give immediate rewards. A clicker, hot dogs, lots of praise and a dog that you love are all you need for class. Dogs attend ALL five classes. Students will receive a copy of Sarah’s award winning book “Devoted To Dogs: How To Be Your Dog’s Best Friend ” with written homework and dog behavior discussions. We will have a festive graduation with prizes and photo opportunities on Week 5. Please request a supply list and class orientation sheet when you register. All classes are held at Dog Krazy.
Contact Parks and Rec. for next classes
5 Week Session
Dorothy Hart Community Center
408 Canal St. Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info: Call Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that enrollment begins.
Register on-line @ http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/departments/recreation/index.aspx?id=1173, or visit in person or by mail.
Important Note: No aggressive dogs, toward other dogs nor humans may attend these classes. In order to learn in a positive situation and pay close attention to the owner every dog need to feel safe, in a non threatening environment. Any dog who growls or shows his teeth is not appropriate for these group classes.
 Photo by Neal Campbell: Vivien, CD, HIC,
CGC says, "Now, THIS is heel position!"
Advanced Dog Manners Obedience Class
(Ages: 16 yrs to Adult)
In response to graduates of our Basic
classes, we offer an advanced skills class for dogs who want to go a
bit further in their good manners mastery. We will work hard on longer
sit and down stays; calm, leisurely loose lead walking; and fast, enthusiastic
“ Come!” when called. Dogs will learn to do their work, on request,
even with distractions like strangers knocking on the door, humans jogging
while they concentrate on sit or down, watching their humans even when
tantalizing dog fun activity unfolds around them. For the dogs who came
to a basic skills class and now want to hone their attention and obedience
response vocabulary, this is the class for you. We will work on all
ten tasks of the AKC CGC test as part of our school work.* Want to practice
a run-through of the AKC Novice obedience tasks? Request a run-through
as your graduation exercise. As in all Dog Manners classes, we will
have a festive graduation our last session. This is a daytime class.
Small group, so register early, please.
Contact Parks and Rec. for next classes
5 Week Session
]Dorothy Hart Community Center
408 Canal Street
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info: Call
Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that
enrollment begins.
Register on-line (http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/departments/recreation/index.aspx?id=1173),
in person or by mail.
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
*We do not take the CGC test in this
advanced class, but would love to have you sign up for our CGC test
to benefit the SPCA. |

Miss Star,CGC and Much Esteemed
Dog Manners graduate

Donahan’s Gabriel Izodore
Blackbird Keanu, CD,CGC,TDI
Canine Good Citizen:
as a fund-raiser to support the
Regional SPCA
proceeds will be donated to the SPCA.
(Ages: 16 yrs to Adult)
Heard about the new American Kennel Club
award for mixed breeds, pure-breds and ALL well-behaved dogs? Your dog
wants to be a Good Citizen! Pre-register for our Canine Good Citizen
test for your brilliant dog to become an AKC Canine Good Citizen. Join
us for a fun afternoon that will benefit our area’s SPCA. Your
dog will perform loose lead walking; no jumping; come; sit-stay; down-stay
and all ten items on the AKC CGC test.
E mail Sarah at saf@abrohamneal.com for hints for passing the AKC CGC
test and for the list of ten tasks on the actual test.
Read about practicing with your dog for
the CGC test in Sarah’s book, “ Devoted To Dogs: How To Be Your
Dog’s Best Owner”. Great practice tips begin on page 249 with
the chapter : “ Is Your Dog A Canine Good Citizen?”
ALL interested non-aggressive dogs welcome.
Dogs should know the commands; sit; down; come; and, have mastered loose
lead walking.
(Note: After you register for this class,
please e mail instructor at saf@abrohamneal.com for supply list and for class orientation and
reading assignments. )
Send email to Sarah at saf@abrohamneal.com for next session!
Fredericksburg Regional SPCA
10819 Courthouse Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
AKC CGC Evaluator : Sarah Ferrell
Cost: $19.95 per dog.
Payable to the “ SPCA”.
Registration info: Email Sarah Ferrell: saf@abrohamneal.com . Email Sarah for a copy of the CGC test
items and to pre-register to take the CGC test.
Test participants will be limited
to 15 pre-registered participants. Walk-ins accepted on the day
of the test if there are test times open. E mail Sarah to check on availability.
Important Note: No aggressive dogs,
toward other dogs nor humans may attend these classes. In order to learn
in a positive situation and pay close attention to the
owner every dog need to feel safe, in a non threatening environment.
Any dog who growls or shows his teeth is not appropriate for these group
classes. |

Gabriel invites you to his seminar.

Sibelle, UD, demonstrates perfect attention;
courtesy Margot McBrayer Wagner
Ready! Steady! Train!
One evening devoted to your dog!
(Ages: 16 yrs to Adult)
Ready to train your dog, but don’t have time to attend a weekly class? Need help mastering the skills you wish you had to train your own dog at home? If you and your dog have one evening to watch, practice and master the basics of positive reinforcement, this is the class you have been waiting to attend. Join Sarah for a fun and fact filled evening to teach you basic dog manners skills: "Sit"; "Down"; "No Jumping"; "Come"; "Easy"; "No pull"; "Touch"; "Go to your place"; and, "Watch me". Join this dog-owner skill-building class and learn to lay a firm foundation for mastering basic obedience commands. Sarah’s big Springer boy, Gabriel, will show you fundamental manners for all good dogs. During this evening your dog will practice all the skills with fun and attention on you. This class is offered by request of dog moms and dads who need to come to school but can’t fit a weekly basic manners class into hectic schedules. This “fundamentals” seminar will place your fine dog on the well trained paw. After this seminar, you’ll be ready to teach your brilliant canine to sit-stay, lie down, walk on a loose leash, and come when called. Emphasis will be on teaching you how to teach your dog to pay attention. Let’s teach your fine dog that your face is the most interesting sight in his world. Class includes a copy of Sarah’s award-winning book, “ Devoted To Dogs: How To Be Your Dog’s Best Owner” to guide your practice and answer your dog behavior questions. Ask for class orientation and supply list when you register for class.
Contact Parks and Rec. for next classes
Dorothy Hart Community Center
408 Canal Street
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info: Call
Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that
enrollment begins.
Register on-line (http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/departments/recreation/index.aspx?id=1173),
in person or by mail.
Important Note: No aggressive dogs, toward other dogs nor humans may attend these classes. In order to learn in a positive situation and pay close attention to the owner every dog need to feel safe, in a non threatening environment. Any dog who growls or shows his teeth is not appropriate for these group classes.
Where to go FOR CLASSES?
All classes with
dogs are held at
Dorothy Hart Community Center
408 Canal Street
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info: Call
Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that
enrollment begins.
Register on-line (http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/departments/recreation/index.aspx?id=1173),
in person or by mail.
Behavior Seminars
Just for humans only (please leave your dog at home)
All seminars will be held at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Call the Parks and Recreation Department (at 372-1086, extension 208) for registration dates and information.

Doris Day Doodle appears courtesy
MS Billingsley and CA Mills

Joshua appears courtesy
Maureen & Steve Greenwood
Got Dog Problems?
Sarah has answers!
(Ages: 16yrs to Adult)
Do you wonder why Bongo wee-wees behind dinning room table? Has Esmeralda chewed up all your shoes and your underwear? Is Tonto digging to China, by way of your favorite hydrangea shrub? Does Grandpa Bob worry that your bouncing BoBo will break his hip when he visits? Are you captive to your house because Sugar goes nuts when you leave her alone? Does BibBib hate and despise your new boyfriend? If you have a question, Sarah Ferrell would love to listen and analyze the reasons for all your doggy woes, puppy worries and dog misbehavior concerns. Every question is a good question. Put Poppy on path to perfect canine behavior management. You need this class!
Contact Parks and Rec. for next classes
1 Week Session
Dorothy Hart Community Center
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info: Call Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that enrollment begins.

Perfect mother and her newborn
children courtesy Marge Brandel

Ch. Donahan's Designer Jeans, CDX
and her lunch guests appear
courtesy Carol and Don Callahan
How to Find the Dog of Your Dreams
(Ages: 16 yrs to Adult)
How to find the dog of your dreams: Perfect Puppies; Ready Rescues. Look before your leap because a dog is for life. If you’re very blessed, the dog you bring home today will live with you, love you, depend on you for every breath, every command, every happiness for up to 16+ years. A dog is a terrible life to waste. Bring all your questions about how to choose the right tiny pup or ready for rescue older dog. Learn to interview a breeder. Get ready to surf the web for rescue dogs who need you. We will discuss any breed you have on your mind. Join us for a great night of dog-finding information fun.
Contact Parks and Rec. for next classes
1 Session
Dorothy Hart Community Center
Instructor: Sarah Ferrell
Registration info:Call Parks and Recreation registration office at 372-1086 for the dates that enrollment begins.
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